8 Week Courses

African American woman with bookbag

ACC offers an 8-week class model where the fall and spring semesters are split into two 8-week periods. When possible, students will take intensive 8-week classes instead of 16-week classes, allowing them to focus on just two or three classes at a time. This scheduling plan has been proven to help students stay on track and graduate on time. 


The 8-week course schedule allows students to become full-time, while still only concentrating on two to three courses at once.

Full-time students may maintain their current course work, but have less stress and avoid the 10-week burnout period many students experience in a 16-week course.

When possible, students should take two classes in each 8-week session. The maximum allowable number of semester credits a student can attempt in the 8-week session is 10. The total number of credits a student can attempt in both 8-week sessions is 18. 

Yes, a few of our degrees will not be going to an all-inclusive 8-week model in Fall 2023. In order to take both 16-week and 8-week classes at the same time, we highly encourage you to use the 2023-2024 academic maps as a guide on how to properly schedule a 16/8-week combination that will set you up for success.

Full-time status is achieved by taking at least 12 semester credits in a long semester (combination of 16-week, first 8-week, and second 8-week classes). As long as you register for a combined total of 12 credit hours, you will still be a full-time student.

You will register for 16-week, first 8-week, and second 8-week classes at the same time during the semester registration period.

Most classes at ACC will be moving to an 8-week format; however, some classes will remain in a 16-week format. Use the course catalog to identify the length of courses in upcoming semesters.

Some classes will continue to be offered in the 16-week format, including some STEM courses and health occupation programs with clinicals.

Your instructors and department chairs are working closely with Pathways Advising to redesign degree plans for 8-week classes. If assistance is needed with course scheduling, please work with your Pathways Advisor.

The tuition payment deadline we use now will not change for 8-week classes. You will still be required to pay (or make payment plans) for classes before 5 p.m. on the payment due date calendar. 

Expect to spend the amount of total class time in an 8-week course as in a traditional 16-week course. This may come in the form of more online work and/or longer individual class meeting times.

Instructors have redesigned course assignments and assessments so you may learn the same material more efficiently, with a reasonable amount of take-home work. Your workload may feel more manageable, because you only need to concentrate on fewer courses at one time.

Balance courses to ensure you do not have both reading and math intensive courses at the same time (example: don't take a math and chemistry class in one 8-week term; spread them out between terms).

No - If you have typically taken only 12 credit hours during a semester, and you take two classes in the first 8-week session and two classes in the second 8-week session, you will still be paying tuition for 12 credit hours.

Yes – Many of our courses will move from in-class formats to hybrid (in-class/online mixture) or online formats. This means that you may expect a slight increase in tuition for these distance education courses.

As required by the Department of Education, you must register for at least 12 credit hours to receive the full amount of your aid.  Your financial aid will be disbursed based on the number of hours that you’re enrolled in and have attendance recorded by the census date of each of the terms. Always speak to a Financial Aid Advisor before making any changes to your schedule after the start of the semester.

If you have questions concerning your certification of eligibility application, rate of pursuit, housing payment (BAH) qualifications, book stipends, or anything related to your education entitlement, please contact the VA 1-888-442-4551. 


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